#awareness / #education / #health / Big Pharmaceutical vs. Small Biz / Diagnosia / Lawsuit / SANOFI

Diagnosia online Drug Information Startup, Sued by BIG PHARMA.

The big pharma company is seeking damages and that Diagnosia alert its customers of the allegedly false information. This originally included taking out an injunction against the startup at the end of last year, which Diagnosia successfully contested. The litigation remains ongoing.

Big Pharma vs. Small Startup

Big Pharma vs. Small Startup Diagnosia.

  • Austrian startup Diagnosia, which provides apps for doctors and hospitals to help them quickly access drug information, is being sued by global pharmaceutical company Sanofi over how it lists the painkiller Metamizole.

    “We are being sued for injurious falsehood (reputational and financial damage) for publishing certain side effects and drug interactions that possibly bear a risk for patients,” explains Diagnosia Medical Director and co-founder Lukas Zinnagl. “[It] is a strange claim. We are evidence-based, neutral and have in general no problem with Pharma.”

    Full story..

    Credits: TechCrunch

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