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Really Simple Garlic Pizza Dough, by yours truly @sergioaguerrero

Really Simple Garlic Pizza Dough.

Makes enough for two small, thin crust pizzas. Or 1 large thin crust pizza! Add an additional half cup of flour if you like your pizza thick and bready.
2 1/2 cups flour (can replace up to half with whole wheat flour) -Recommended
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon active dry yeast
1/2 cup warm water (may need up to 2 tablespoons more)
1 tablespoon olive oil (more for softer crust)
1 tablespoon butter (room temperature)
1 half clove of garlic (minced - chopped fine)
4 tablespoons of flax seeds (optional) or cornmeal
(Approximate Prep & Cook time 1 1/2 Hours.)

Pizza dough garlic

Pizza by Sergio a. Guerrero

Stir dry ingredients, including yeast, in a large bowl. Add water and olive oil, stirring mixture into then add butter, keep dough as close to a ball as you can. Dump all clumps and floury bits onto a lightly floured surface and knead everything into a homogeneous ball.

Knead it for 5-8 minutes. Lightly oil the bowl and introduce the chopped garlic! where you had mixed it. Slap the dough in, turn it over so all sides are coated, cover it in plastic wrap and leave it undisturbed for an half an hour or a whole hour, until it has doubled in size. (Ideal dough color is creamy yellow!)

Add it back on the floured counter and gently press the dough with the palm of your hands (The key here is not to beat it up too much!, Yeah I just said that. calm down.) Shape it out to your desired baking sheet, and let it sit under that plastic wrap for 20 more minutes.

Sprinkle the pizza baking sheet with (flax seed or cornmeal) and preheat your oven to its top temperature. Roll out the pizza, toss on whatever topping and seasonings you like. (The key is to keep it simple, if you decide to unload with meat toppings or heavy veggies.. you may want to sauté a few (usually toppings that take additional time to cook.) to aid in the baking process.)

Bake it for about 10 minutes (large pizza 15 minutes or so) until it’s lightly blistered and browned.

Hope you enjoy this simply, yet magnificent cooking milestone you just owned! -Sergio a. Guerrero

Credits: @Sergioaguerrero


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